Development of competencies in the context of the Semester i: a case study


  The notion of Semester i has been used in the university context of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Studies as a modality of disruptive studies. It is based on the didactic technique of challenge based on learning, which has a purpose that the student faces a problematic situation that allows him/her to learn in a real field of performance. This case study addresses the perspectives expressed by students and teachers regarding their experience in the Semester i. Through a qualitative approach, we sought to identify those categories that alluded to the development of competencies, commitment, teacher-student relationship and the transfer of challenges. The findings suggest that the Semester i modality indeed contributes to the development of disciplinary competences in addition to the transversal ones. Also, strong social bonds are formed between the students who participate in the teams that face the challenges. Stress was identified as well as an inherent element of the Semester i educational model, more in teachers than in students. It is considered essential to analyze these disruptive educational modalities, as well as to deepen the investigation of the Challenge Based Learning (CBL). 
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