Reusing open data for learning database design through project development

  • Jose-Norberto Mazón
    Universidad de Alicante jnmazon[at]
  • Elena Lloret
    Universidad de Alicante
  • Eva Gómez
    Universidad de Alicante
  • Antonia Aguilar
    Universidad de Alicante
  • Iván Mingot
    Universidad de Alicante
  • Ernesto Pérez
    Universidad de Alicante
  • Luisa Quereda
    Universidad de Alicante


This paper describes a novel methodology based on reusing open data for applying project-based learning in a Database Design subject of a university degree. This methodology is applied to the ARA (Alto Rendimiento Académico or High Academic Performance) group taught in the degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Alicante (Spain) during 2012/2013, 2013/2014, and 2014/2015. Openness philosophy implies that huge amount of data is available to students in tabular format, ready for reusing. In our teaching experience, students propose an original scenario where different open data can be reused to a specific goal. Then, it is proposed to design a database in order to manage this data in the envisioned scenario. Open data in the subject helps in instilling a creative and entrepreneur attitude in students, as well as encourages autonomous and lifelong learning. Surveys made to students at the end of each year shown that reusing open data within project-based learning methodologies makes more motivated students since they are using real data.
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