Experiences of technology-rich innovation in European schools within the Open Discovery Space project

  • Sonia Peinado
    University of Cadiz sonia.peinado[at]uca.es
  • José Miguel Mota
    University of Cadiz
  • Anke Berns
    University of Cadiz
  • Manuel Palomo-Duarte
    University of Cadiz
  • Juan Manuel Dodero
    University of Cadiz
  • Stefano Martellos
    University of Trieste
  • Rosa Doran
  • Aušra Lingyte
    Metis Baltic Ltd.
  • Christine J. Arnold
    University of Bayreuth
  • Kerstin Bissinger
    University of Bayreuth
  • Orlin Kouzov
    National Research Network Association
  • Eleni Chelioti
    Ellinogermaniki Agogi
  • Stephanos Cherouvis
    Ellinogermaniki Agogi
  • Petros Stergiopoulos
    Ellinogermaniki Agogi


The Open Discovery Space (ODS) project was conceived to introduce innovative resource-based teaching and learning practices in European schools, to promote the creation of communities between European school members and to boost the demand for open educational resources among teachers. After 3 years of applying the ODS innovation model, more than 2,000 European schools have carried out diverse experiences of technology-rich innovation to achieve the project aims. This paper describes the experiences and results of ODS in 7 different European countries, along with the international activities that aim at expanding the scope of the project beyond the European limits.
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Peinado, S., Mota, J. M., Berns, A., Palomo-Duarte, M., Dodero, J. M., Martellos, S., Doran, R., Lingyte, A., Arnold, C. J., Bissinger, K., Kouzov, O., Chelioti, E., Cherouvis, S., & Stergiopoulos, P. (2015). Experiences of technology-rich innovation in European schools within the Open Discovery Space project. Education in The Knowledge Society, 16(3), 35–56. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks20151633556

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