The teacher before formation of values. Theory and practice


Analysis is performed on the major moral theories and theoretical approaches to the formation of values from a psych-pedagogic perspective. Presents the theories of Henry Wallon, Jean Piaget and Lev Semenovich Vigotsky as well as the concepts associated to the values from different theoretical frameworks such as psychoanalytic, S. Freud,  the behaviorist and neobehaviorists on A. Bandura and R.H. Walters, the cognitivist on Jean Piaget and Kohlberg, and finally the cultural-historical approach developed by L.S. Vigotsky. We present some methods, tools, attitudes and purposes to be considered for values education by teachers as: 1) awareness of the regulators values of action of the individual; 2) double standards, disguise of true conduct of the individual, 3) the characterization psych-pedagogic students; 4) awareness, activity, and the assessment, as educational methods in the formation of values; and 5) professional status of teachers to the types of values to form.. It is argued from a psych-pedagogic position, the theory Lev Semionovich Vigotsky and his followers as L.I. Bozhovich, Kraftchenko and Subbotsky, regarding the formation of values from the collective and to the collective.
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Estrada Molina, O. (2012). The teacher before formation of values. Theory and practice. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(3), 240–267.


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