Valuation of teaching and learning process in undergraduate degrees

  • María del Mar López Pérez
    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha mar.lopez[at]
  • Rosario Pérez Morote
    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha


In order to evaluate the teaching and learning process, we have focused our interest on analysing the methodological tools applied in the formation of students and their evaluation. The main aim of this research is to know if the methodology used by the teacher is seen as appropriate for students. We want to know if it evaluates properly over the last.  For our analysis, we used the evaluation reports made over the last three academic years by the Faculty of Economics and Business of Albacete. We employed a survey whereby students valued the procedures normally used by the teacher in the classroom. The work aims to the analysis of the procedures and instruments planed and specified by the teacher in the subject guidelines which are part of the degree plan.
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López Pérez, M. del M., & Pérez Morote, R. (2012). Valuation of teaching and learning process in undergraduate degrees. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(3), 190–219.


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