"Communicating learning": an innovative teaching practice in communication science

  • Juan Diego González San
    Universidad de Huelva juan.gonzalez[at]denf.uhu.es
  • Ana Barquero Gonzále
    Universidad de Huelva
  • Diego José Feria Lorenzo
    Universidad de Huelva
  • Rocío León López
    Universidad de Huelva


The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) focused the importance of learning students' self and the relevance of incorporating new methodologies in university education, which promotes the acquisition and development of skills in research and dissemination of knowledge generated. This article shows the results obtained after performing a scientific conference at the University of Huelva, as a methodological strategy to perform a knowledge transfer training to the students of Nursing, History, Education and English Studies, during 2010/11. The evaluation of this experience reveals that there was a marked improvement in the communication competencies of students through a learning motivator. Moreover, this teaching strategy encourages the development of creativity, critical thinking, communication and co-teamwork, encouraging group learning.
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González San, J. D., Barquero Gonzále, A., Feria Lorenzo, D. J., & León López, R. (2012). "Communicating learning": an innovative teaching practice in communication science. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(3), 162–175. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.9136


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