Educational techno mobile laboratory: robotics courses for low cost scientific and technological literacy

  • Jonathan Germain Ortiz Meza
    Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Chihuahua jonathang.ortiz[at]
  • Antonio Ríos Ramírez
    Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Chihuahua
  • Raime Alejandro Bustos Gardea
    Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Chihuahua


The robotics in education is a multidisciplinary branch of the engineering that has been an invaluable asset to promote the science and the technology as something fun. However, the high costs for the implementation as also the difficulty to train instructors have made the robotics more common only in first world countries, because generally they have more educational budget for this practices. For this reason the Educational Techno Mobile Lab was created; this Lab incorporates robotics courses based on BEAM robots and also sciences and cognitive practices. The objective of the Project is to create a new concept of learning based on a techno educative platform with the finality to promote the scientific and technological literacy to the development of knowledge and critical scientific thinking. The results of the evaluation present a 36% of improvement related science and technology knowledge on fourth grade students; these results show the necessity to incorporate a given robotic course to all the public education level.
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Ortiz Meza, J. G., Ríos Ramírez, A., & Bustos Gardea, R. A. (2012). Educational techno mobile laboratory: robotics courses for low cost scientific and technological literacy. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(3), 145–161.


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