Analysis on the integration in the educational system of the ICT: institutional projects and permanent training


Throughout this work we wanted to analyze some of the speeches that are implicit or explicit in teacher training on curriculum integration of ICT. This task responds to the discovery of the interests and values that guide rational action and the principles that serve as a framework to develop proposals with ICT and its impact on the professional development of teachers in a school.  We approach the realization of institutional projects for integration into the educational system of ICT and its impact and consequences of teacher education. Projects designed by the agencies and institutions of national and regional level, where analysis and reflection on the role of ICT in education, and more specifically, teacher education does not require addressing the role of these resources from the perspective of innovation and improvement. This is because the dominant discourses in relation to the integration of ICT in education, associate without more, technology and innovation. When this issue is more complex, given the implications that such discourses have on their teaching practices.
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Rodríguez Torres, J. (2012). Analysis on the integration in the educational system of the ICT: institutional projects and permanent training. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(3), 129–144.


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