The XXI century college students in Mexico: from passivity to autonomy and critical thinking


XXI century has brought an enormous amount of transformations in many spheres of social, educative, technological, scientific and familiar life. These transformations have touched on a particular way the educative ambit, with reforms in their educational models and thus college students make a break with positivist paradigms in which student was seen as a restricted supply by the professor programmer contingencial arrangements, which are set even before the instructional situation (Hernández Rojas, 1998). That subject, whose school performance and learning could be fixed from the outside, is in a process of emancipation and awareness now actively involved in its own learning. Many universities in Mexico are working to give a decisive turn providing autonomy in their students, by models such as constructivism, at the same time they required critical thinking, but this autonomy is not authentic, students are subsumed into their institution curriculum and they generate learning that is limited to what will be assess, yet student is reified.
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Zúñiga Sánchez, M. (2012). The XXI century college students in Mexico: from passivity to autonomy and critical thinking. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(2), 424–440.


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