“Building daily life” parental education program: First results of its implementation and evaluation

  • Susana Torío López
    Universidad de Oviedo storio[at]uniovi.es
  • José Vicente Peña Calvo
    Universidad de Oviedo
  • Jesús Hernández García
    Universidad de Oviedo


In this paper, firs results of the implementation and evaluation of a parental education program are presented. “Building dalily life” parental education program, has been developed in four Preschool and Primary schools in the Principality of Asturias, during the current academic year. 32 parents have participated in it (15 nuclear families and 2 one-parent families). Its implementation has not been easy as it was condition sine qua non that the two members of the couple assisted to it. Evaluation results show the positive effects of the program in families´ attitudes, preferences and beliefs about gender roles and housework (traditional housework, childcare and emotional work). The program has also increased families’ cooperation and children participation in family responsibilities. To sum up, we will present some evaluation results about satisfaction and usefulness of the program.
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Torío López, S., Peña Calvo, J. V., & Hernández García, J. (2012). “Building daily life” parental education program: First results of its implementation and evaluation. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(2), 343–368. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.9012


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