Robotics as a resource to facilitate the learning and general skills development

  • Flor Ángela Bravo Sánchez
    Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, Colombia. bravof[at]
  • Alejandro Forero Guzmán
    Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, Colombia.


The growing importance of technology in the world today and its continuous development, makes the technology becomes an integral part of the formation process in childhood and youth. For this reason is important to develop proposals that are offered to children and young people to come into contact with new technologies, that is possible through the use of software and hardware tools, such as robotic prototypes and specialized programs for educational purposes This paper shows the importance of the use of robotics as a learning tool and presents the typical stages that must be confronted in implementing educational robotics projects in the classroom. It also presents an educational robotics project called "Mundo Robotica" which seeks to involve robotics in the classroom through practical activities and learning resources, all this is articulated from a virtual platform.
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Bravo Sánchez, F. Ángela, & Forero Guzmán, A. (2012). Robotics as a resource to facilitate the learning and general skills development. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(2), 120–136.


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