Educational resources and tools for robotic learning

  • Pablo Gil Vazquez
    Universidad de Alicante pablo.gil[at]
  • Carlos Alberto Jara
    Universidad de Alicante
  • Santiago Timoteo Puente Méndez
    Universidad de Alicante
  • Francisco Andrés Candelas Herías
    Universidad de Alicante
  • Fernando Torres Medina
    Universidad de Alicante


This paper discusses different teaching experiences which aims are the learning robotics in the university. These experiences are reflected in the development of several robotics courses and subjects at the University of Alicante.  The authors have created various educational platforms or they have used tools of free distribution and open source for the implementation of these courses. The main objetive of these courses is to teach the design and implementation of robotic solutions to solve various problems not only such as the control, programming and handling of robot but also the assembly, building and programming of educational mini-robots. On the one hand, new teaching tools are used such as simulators and virtual labs which make flexible the learning of robot arms. On the other hand, competitions are used to motivate students because this way, the students put into action the skills learned through building and programming low-cost mini-robots.
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Gil Vazquez, P., Alberto Jara, C., Puente Méndez, S. T., Candelas Herías, F. A., & Torres Medina, F. (2012). Educational resources and tools for robotic learning. Education in The Knowledge Society, 13(2), 18–47.


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