Co-educational experiences of physical education teachers in relation with the contents of the subject

  • Pedro Ángel Valdivia Moral
    Grupo de Investigación HUM 653 pvaldiviamoral[at]
  • Antonio Sánchez Pato
    Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia
  • José Ignacio Alonso Roque
    Universidad de Murcia
  • María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez
    Universidad de Jaén


The aims of this study were to be familiar with the co-educational experiences of teachers in relation to the contents of Physical Education and to analyze the different methodological strategies which are used in each block of content. Semi structured interviews were realized subjected to content´s analysis. Through the hermeneutic process it is emphasized that: (I) the category “Content´s Block of Fitness and Health” shows that the teacher pretends that the physiological differences that are produced by matter of sex don´t happen again; (II) the category “Content´s Physical Language” notes that there are teachers who don’t deal with these contents because they don´t recognize them; (III) the category “Content´s Block Games and Sports” underlines that the main problem that the teachers find is the stereotypes that some sports take associated; the category (IV) “Content´s Block of Activities in the Natural Environment” declares that neither of the two sexes difficult its work.
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Valdivia Moral, P. Ángel, Sánchez Pato, A., Alonso Roque, J. I., & Zagalaz Sánchez, M. L. (2011). Co-educational experiences of physical education teachers in relation with the contents of the subject. Education in The Knowledge Society, 12(2), 300–320.


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