Stereotypes and social role of women in sports gender films


This paper explores the role and qualities associated to women in sports movies of the first decade of the 21st century and it represents an unusual study in the segment of film research. To do this, we investigated a sample of 74 films, selected through a non-probability quota sampling and research design using a descriptive, content analysis as an instrument to carry it out. The results showed that the prevailing model of our society is faithfully reflected, and the same happens to the modern canon attributed to females, which should question the importance of the film industry as a means of correction in the treatment of women.
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Ramírez Macías, G., Piedra De La Cuadra, J., Ries, F., & Rodríguez Sánchez, A. R. (2011). Stereotypes and social role of women in sports gender films. Education in The Knowledge Society, 12(2), 82–103.


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