Women and the audiovisual (industry) today: regression, experiment and new narrative models

  • Ana Martínez-collado Martínez
    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ana.martinez[at]uclm.es
  • Ana Navarrete Tudela
    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha


This article analyses audiovisual art in the contemporary context. Firstly it describes the current regression of the role of women artists’ audiovisual practices. Women have little or no presence in the audiovisual industry as producers, filmmakers or executives, a condition that inevitably reconstitutes and reinforces traditional gender stereotypes. The article goes on to look at the feminist audiovisual practices of the nineteen seventies and eighties when women’s filmmaking became an absolutely necessity, not only to give voice to women but also to inscribe discourses found to be absent from audiovisual practice and to generate critical discourses concerning the culture of representation. The article also analyses how, since the nineties, such practices have explored new narrative models related to the transformation of contemporary subjectivity which have simultaneously extended audiovisual practice into an expanded field of dissemination Lastly, the article explores the relationship between feminist audiovisual practices and the complex territory of globalization and the information society and how the audiovisual narration of localized experiences have become a privileged medium for highlighting problems of difference, identity, race and ethnicity.
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Martínez-collado Martínez, A., & Navarrete Tudela, A. (2011). Women and the audiovisual (industry) today: regression, experiment and new narrative models. Education in The Knowledge Society, 12(2), 8–23. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.8271


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