“Want to be all Finland”. Side effects of PISA

  • Javier Barquín Ruiz
    Universidad de Málaga barquin[at]uma.es
  • Monsalud Gallardo Gil
    Universidad de Málaga
  • Manuel Fernández Navas
    Universidad de Málaga
  • Rafael Yus Ramos
    Universidad de Málaga
  • Mª Pilar Sepúlveda Ruiz
    Universidad de Málaga
  • Mª José Serván Núñez
    Universidad de Málaga


This article describes some of the considerations on the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) of the OECD, have been reviewed by the Research Group HUM-311, University of Malaga in the Project R & D-SEJ 2007-66967, led by Professor D. Angel I. Pérez Gómez. In developing this review, addressed the issue of basic skills as a potential mechanism for the development of useful life skills of individuals in the knowledge society, second-order powers specifically listed in the generic construct Learn how to Learn. Addressing these analysis, questioning the most problematic aspects.
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Barquín Ruiz, J., Gallardo Gil, M., Fernández Navas, M., Yus Ramos, R., Sepúlveda Ruiz, M. P., & Serván Núñez, M. J. (2011). “Want to be all Finland”. Side effects of PISA. Education in The Knowledge Society, 12(1), 320–339. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.7835


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