Using web 2.0 to obtain and construct information. An experience in higher education


In a context where the information has turned into a principal source and where media screens flood the public and private spaces, educational institutions have to provide the tools for the comprehension of the lived world, the promotion of the critical thinking or the construction of active and responsible citizenship. In this respect, the critical reading of the mass media and the production of media messages on the part of the student body becomes fundamental. Therefore, the role of the teacher has to change into a facilitator of spaces of learning that allow the student body to acquire the necessary capacities to face the challenges of the 21st century and Web 2.0 turns into an interesting pedagogic tool to learn through practice, information searching, interacting and collaborating (Cobo and Pardo, 2007). The purpose of the present article is to share the experiences of educational innovation developed in Castellón's Universitat Jaume I (Spain) where students of Civic and Social Education have used Web 2.0 to seek, select and analyze information and then to produce their own informative material, both textual and audio-visual, in the process of learning alphabetized digital knowedge and practice. The project was highy evaluated by the student body through a Likert type questionnaire survey.
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Francisco Amat, A. (2011). Using web 2.0 to obtain and construct information. An experience in higher education. Education in The Knowledge Society, 12(1), 145–166.


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