Change of attitudes and values before the energy after the use of a role-playing game


The role-playing game in education have been defined as dramatizations that are carry out around a situation makes specific and use the allocation of papers to students, who will have as opposed to, to defend with arguments an opinion (previously outlined) a problem. More and more used in the formal and non formal education, they emphasize between its advantages turning the playful thing learning, harnessing the learning of attitudes and values and the connection that is made with the real life among others. The use of a role-playing game in an educative investigation on change of attitudes and values before the power resources whose educative results were positive, allowed to repeat this investigation using the variable “utilization/no use of the role-playing game”, which granted the possibility of analyzing the importance of the role-playing game in the involution of changes in the attitudes and values of the users of these games.
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Hernández Carbonell, J. (2010). Change of attitudes and values before the energy after the use of a role-playing game. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(3), 135–148.


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