Publication history of roleplaying games in Spain


Role-playing game related products have been published in Spain since 1985. From then on, almost a thousand and a half role-playing game books or supplements have come on to the market, both of Spanish origins and translated from other languages.The aim of the present article is to describe the history of role-playing games in Spain, attending to the published games, their publications and the publishing companies which have been part of the role-playing game phenomenon. To that end, the progression of these elements (games, publications and publishing companies) was examined throughout time, together with their proportions according to origins, genera or other attributes, and differentiating between autochthonous (Spanish) elements and not autochthonous ones, or among diverse publishing periods.As a conclusion, a series of possible predictions about the role-playing game publication in the future in Spain have been suggested.
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Cabrero Sañudo, F. J. (2010). Publication history of roleplaying games in Spain. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(3), 85–133.


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