The debate concerning the PISA surveys in France


The international program for the follow-up of the knowledge of the pupils, known as PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), does not enjoy the French observer. Published every three years, his evaluations of the educational systems of thirty countries of the OECD, and nowadays of other fifty countries, have a methodological recognized quality and resist to the majority of the objections that are directed for him. Not uselessly, they continue being widely ignored in France where they try to discredit them very often. The French reticence towards this research come from medium or including mediocre classification in which places the Hexagon in the three areas evaluated by PISA: comprehension of writing, mathematics and scientific culture. If the educational level rises, the differences between pupils increase.
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Urteaga, E. (2010). The debate concerning the PISA surveys in France. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(1), 389–405.


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