Public educational politics in South Korea in the formation of the information society


The target of this article is to study and to analyze the public educational politics of the Information Society in South Korea from the end of last century until nowadays. To see the translation of these politics in concrete performances inside the Korean educational system and especially in the primary and secondary education, will allow us to extend the panorama and the approach to this distant region. For this we are going to extract the main conceptual keys and the factors that are going to propitiate this development of the information society in South Korea. The empirical evidence indicates the existence of a wide grade of changeability between the politics that on Information Society are defined and are applied in different countries, showing likewise that the orientation of this politics have experienced changes on time and space.
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González Pérez, A. (2010). Public educational politics in South Korea in the formation of the information society. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(1), 406–424.


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