The impact of ICT in the transformation of university teaching: rethinking the models of teaching and learning


In the last few years the discussion on the use of ICT in higher education has turned into a key issue. In higher education, ICT is often perceived as a catalyst for change, change in teaching style, change in learning approaches, and change in access to information. There are expectations that the existence of ICT benefits the overall learning environment of students.This article reviews, and aware of our great boldness, some discussions and proposals that emerge from research in relation to ICT and education. I accept the criticism in advance to my bold claim. We do not intend to be original and admit that we have more questions than answers when we examine what is really happening in the use of ICT in higher education.The paper suggests that it is not technologies, but educational purposes and pedagogy, that must provide the lead, understanding not only how to work with ICTs, but why it is of benefit for them to do so.
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Rodríguez Izquierdo, R. M. (2010). The impact of ICT in the transformation of university teaching: rethinking the models of teaching and learning. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(1), 32–68.


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