Good practices for virtual classroom in universitary blended learning

  • Manuel Area Moreira
    Universidad de La Laguna manarea[at]
  • Mª Belén San Nicolás Santos
    Universidad de La Laguna
  • Elena Fariña Vargas
    Universidad de La Laguna


We present the design and results of a study conducted at the University of La Laguna (ULL) to identify best practices in virtual classrooms in Higher Education developed in the form of blended learning. The study was conducted in the first quarter of 2008 and analyzed a large sample of virtual classrooms (N = 107) in the Virtual Campus of the University during the period 2005-07. This article presents six examples of virtual classrooms by scientific fields characterized by the incorporation of information resources, communication and experiential learning.
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Area Moreira, M., San Nicolás Santos, M. B., & Fariña Vargas, E. (2010). Good practices for virtual classroom in universitary blended learning. Education in The Knowledge Society, 11(1), 7–31.


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