The promotion of a non-capitalist economy: the mondragón group

  • Ignacio Santa Cruz
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. inaki.santacruz[at]
  • Ainhoa Flecha
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Olga Serradell
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Mondragón is at present the seventh entrepreneurial group in Spain accordingto sales volume and the third according to employment. As a cooperative, it offers anon-capitalist alternative of success, demonstrating that social transformation is possibleand invalidating the theories of reproduction, which defend that education can not contributeto the overcoming of social inequalities. The present article analyses the importancegiven to education by Mondragón throughout its 50 years of history, making outof it a key factor both for the corporation’s success as well as for the improvement ofthe life condition of those who participate in this experience.
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Santa Cruz, I., Flecha, A., & Serradell, O. (2009). The promotion of a non-capitalist economy: the mondragón group. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(3), 180–197.


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