Paulo Freire’s contributions to critical pedagogy: “emancipatory education: the influence of Paulo Freire on the global citizenship” or “the influence of Paulo Freire on an education towards freedom and autonomy”


This paper is focused on Paulo Freire’s contributions to a Critical Pedagogyabout the question “Emancipatory education: the influence of Paulo Freire on the globalcitizenship” or “The influence of Paulo Freire on an education towards freedom andautonomy”. I need to talk about these questions not just as word sentences, as sentenceswithout content, but as words/sentences, which may transform the World giving us areason to be in terms of politics, ethics, and philosophy. I would analyze the first questionis several parts, going back and for in order to demonstrate step by step that there isan ideological proposition embedded on this question that refuses a whole idea which iscoherent and important in the field of the true Critical Pedagogy, a freirean politicalethical-transformative perspective towards freedom and autonomy.
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Freire, N. (2009). Paulo Freire’s contributions to critical pedagogy: “emancipatory education: the influence of Paulo Freire on the global citizenship” or “the influence of Paulo Freire on an education towards freedom and autonomy”. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(3), 141–158.


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