Critical communication pedagogy at educational centers

  • Roseli De Mello
    Universidad Federal de São Carlos roseli[at]
  • Rosa Larena
    Universidad de Valladolid


Educational researches and proposals should be founded on successful theoriesand projects recognized by the international scientific community. Based on thispremise, we describe Learning Communities as an educational proposal that involvesthe implementation of theoretical perspectives with a dialogic and critical approachaimed at quality learning for everyone and at overcoming situations of inequality andexclusion.To this end, this article is structured into two distinct parts. The first discusses severaltheoretical proposals (while also contemplating interdisciplinarity) from the perspectiveof critical communication. The second part describes the educational experience of theEscuela de Personas Adultas of La Verneda de Sant Martí, the first Learning Community,as well as the processes to bring about the transformation of educational centers inLearning Communities, a proposal that is being disseminated by different countriesbased on the standpoint of critical communication pedagogy.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
De Mello, R., & Larena, R. (2009). Critical communication pedagogy at educational centers. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(3), 119–140.


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