The effectiveness of PBL in the university experience

An analysis from students’ perspective


Society is progressing rapidly in all areas, and the requirements for actively participating are constantly changing. Therefore, as a society, we are faced with the need to respond to these changes. This reality is not overlooked in the educational sphere, where there is a pressing need for methodological changes that provide students with meaningful learning experiences, enabling the development of skills required to become part of this society. Hence, there is a noticeable rise in new methodologies that offer these benefits to students. The main objective of this research is to verify the effectiveness of an active methodology, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), in the university setting, specifically in the Bachelor's Thesis (known as TFG in Spanish). Two perspectives will be analyzed: academic performance and the development of socio-emotional skills among 50 students pursuing a degree in Primary and Early Childhood Education at the University of Alicante. Thus, this student body has been divided into two groups: those who have worked with PBL and those who have not. To do this, a questionnaire covering various aspects was administered following a systematic review and an analysis of previous studies. These results were analyzed for both groups, and it was observed that there were significant differences in everything related to socio-emotional competencies. However, no differences were found in the dimension related to academic performance.
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