Developing Sympathy in University Students Through Digital Social Immersion


The reduction of humanistic content in university curricula has undermined the ability of students to impose certain ethical restrictions on themselves. This situation promotes two moral phenomena: the inability to understand the suffering of others and the incapacity to treat them with sympathy. This research aimed to explore how social immersions in a digital format enable university students to develop sympathy. Qualitative and descriptive research involved analyzing 687 entries from a digital log recorded by 98 students in different degree programs and semesters in a private university in Mexico. It was found that the elements of the sympathetic process observed in the students' diaries can be categorized into three types: perception-listening, imagination, and critical reasoning-judgment. Likewise, the expressions of sympathy articulated by the university students were classified into repetition-memory, understanding, and application. These results allowed us to conclude that the university, due to its influence, should not renounce the commitment to train students in the skills that allow them to understand those around them "in their shoes" from their painful reality and advance towards a society with a more elevated feeling of humanity.
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