The University in the Post-Pandemic: Future Scenarios


The pandemic has opened and reopened questions central to policies and teaching practices at the higher level. The intensive use of platforms (platformization) as a key, non-neutral and algorithmic phenomenon raises questions about the processes of autonomy and knowledge management that will be crucial for the coming years in higher education. The overlap between information and knowledge derived, among other aspects, from the oversimplification of technological mediation brings the challenge of making thought, processes, capacities, and mediations visible. In an increasingly algorithmic and datafied context where the gaps for autonomy are negligible, strengthening the “agency” becomes relevant and crucial. From a personal and interpretive approach, the essay intends to address whether teaching practices and learning have been questioned, especially regarding autonomy and self-regulation in this complex context and the complete uncertainty that the pandemic has been and is post-pandemic. As a specific objective, it proposes to raise tensions and questions and design answers that allow us to imagine some didactic transformations for the coming years. As part of the survey, various perspectives from students and teachers are examined and interpreted to propose analyses that address questions such as: Have teaching practices changed in their didactic conceptions? Have modes of learning been challenged? The essay aims to answer these questions through analytical and interpretative approaches.
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