Critical Thinking in Primary School Teachers on the Use of Instagram and TikTok


This research aims to discover the critical thinking skills that primary school teachers show as users of Instagram and/or TikTok, as well as how they express that they work on these skills with their students in the classroom. A qualitative methodology was chosen for this purpose, using a Focus Group with six teachers from different schools in Cantabria (Spain). The main results outline a contradictory situation in which teachers, despite handling a good part of the key competencies in critical thinking, avoid working systematically in the classroom due to a lack of information and general ignorance. Along these lines, the conclusions suggest the need to promote teacher training in critical thinking in education.
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Author Biographies

Natalia González-Fernández

Universidad de Cantabria
Departamento de Educación, Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, España) Profesora Titular de Universidad

Irina Salcines-Talledo

Universidad de Cantabria
Departamento de Educación, Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, España) Profesora Ayudante Doctor