Habitual Video Game Consumption and Academic Performance in Primary Schoolchildren


The aim of the project was to analyse the relationship between academic performance and video game consumption in primary schoolchildren. For this purpose, a descriptive cross-sectional study was designed with a sample of 125 Spanish schoolchildren. Academic performance was calculated through the grade obtained by the schoolchildren in the first and second evaluations carried out in the subjects described in Decree 89/2014, August 1th, wich establishes the organization and curriculum of Primary Education in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. The questionnaire on video game consumption habits was used to calculate the consumption of video games. The statistical analysis carried out reflects a significant association between video game consumption and academic performance (p < .05); specifically with a higher average failure rate compared to their counterpart peers who pass (p < .05). In addition, the linear regression test reflected that higher video game consumption is associated with a higher probability of lower overall academic performance (? = -4.504; t = -.263; p < .05). In conclusion, higher video game consumption is associated with lower academic performance. Consequently, the educational context and the family context must guide schoolchildren in learning self-regulation in the consumption of video games to avoid inappropriate use.
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