The Impact of Learning Organizations on Employee Performance with an Emphasis on Network Communication Approach


In this study, an attempt was made to gain knowledge about the impact of learning organizations on employee performance, emphasizing the network communication approach in Esfahan Steel Company. We used a questionnaire to collect the research data. The study's statistical population included all managers and (staff) employees of Esfahan Steel Company, whose number is 300 people. The stratified random sampling was done in this study. The sample size was estimated to be 118 people. Besides, three questionnaires were employed for data collection in this survey that experts confirmed its validity, and Cronbach's alpha confirmed its reliability. The SPSS and the Smart PLS software were used to analyze the data. According to the results achieved from the statistical analysis, learning organizations impact employee performance. Moreover, learning organizations influence the network communication approach. The network communication approach affects the performance of the organization's employees. Small and medium-sized production companies in the Steel industry can use the findings of this research to Achieve continuous improvement of individual and organizational performance through learning organizations and network communication.
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