School Bullying from Multiple Perspectives: A Qualitative Study


The study aim to identify the reality of school bullying from the perspective of the victims, bullies, educators, and workers in one of the private schools at Nablus city. The researchers employed the qualitative research method that was based on face-to-face interviews. Moreover, the age range of the selected sample was between 13-16 years old. The study's findings revealed the forms of bullying at the school, its causes, and the school policy to tackle it. Most of the results were characterized by having a problematic definition of "bullying." Moreover, the school was confused about dealing with bullying in all its forms, and there was a clear strategy to address the problem. The study recommend the necessity of school-based bullying prevention and treatment programs designed to reduce the bullying phenomenon at schools.
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Author Biographies

Muna Shaath

An-Najah National University
Lecturer  Department of Psychology

Hiba Sleem

An-Najah National University
Faculty of Education

Yaman Sulayeh

An-Najah National University
Faculty of Education

Abdel-Ghani Saifi

An-Najah National University
Faculty of Education

Hiba Ishtayah

An-Najah Univeristy
Faculty of Education

Odeh Hamayel

Ministry of Education
School Teacher