Peer Tutoring in Intercultural Education Environments Projects INTO & E-EVALINTO


Projects INTO & E-EVALINTO are both European Projects developed inside the European Union call, nowadays ERASMUS + and successfully assessed as a “good practice” in the environment of this projects. The agreement that made the team had the objective, through peer tutoring in a context of intercultural education, of helping migrant students to improve their academic performance, their integration in the host societies and reduce their level of early leaving school, absenteeism, grade retention, among other things. To achieve this, it is vital to plan and apply a process in which the situation of migrant students, group which at first is the target if the project, and peer tutoring is reviewed, the strategy to use as well. Another substantial step is the training for both the professionals involved and the students to prepare them for their new responsibilities in the teaching-learning process. This way in this article, special attention is paid to the development of this project in Spain, as well the results obtained through the study case. Said results were very highly assessed by everyone involved.
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