Traditional universities and virtual teaching: an appraisal of the lecturer’s approach to e-learning


The current debate about the incorporation of information and communication technologies to higher education has prompted many traditional, offline universities to promote programmes aimed at critically analysing the characteristic features of e-learning. Once the potential of online instruction in providing university students with new cognitive and instrumental skills has been unanimously acknowledged, a careful, contextualised assessment of the lecturers’ needs concerning online teaching is in order. The present paper aims at presenting some conclusions regarding this topic, derived from a survey carried out during the academic year 2004-5 at Universidade da Coruña. The main goal of this paper is –therefore– to provide both researchers in the field of e-learning and administrators of traditional universities who whish to incorporte online instruction to their academic offer with some useful information.
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Pérez Lorido, M. (2019). Traditional universities and virtual teaching: an appraisal of the lecturer’s approach to e-learning. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(1).


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Author Biography

Martín Pérez Lorido

Universidade da Coruña
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación 