Follow-up of mobility students by means of new technolo-gies


The follow-up of student mobility, in the framework of teacher training, is a real concern in numerous institutions, because the educational systems in hosting countries and in countries of origin are too much diversified, the main consequences being that training periods abroad last about three months at various times of the academic year and that these periods take into much account the educational system of the school of origin than the one of the hosting school. This paper explores the experience of the Europe/Canada RESO Program, launched in 2004. The program tried to implement a more structured follow-up of training courses. It seemed indispensable to partners to conceive a system that would favour “distance follow-up”, and the immediate consequences have been an increase in the students’ productivity, a work continuation between trainers and foreign students and less reluctance from teachers.
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Carral, M., & Lanneau, P. (2019). Follow-up of mobility students by means of new technolo-gies. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(1).


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