Methodologic experience in university: use of the Virtual Campus and learning colaborativo


In this article a methodologic experience in university education appears, combining the colaborativo learning with the use of the virtual resources. The use of the Virtual Campus is a fundamental aspect of this methodology, because it is used to facilitate the development of the rest of the propose activities in the program of the subjet, trying with it to improve the education-learning processes, in addition to make possible new channels of participation and tutorización. As objective always present we must guide to the maximum the autonomy of the student. And like last aim with no need to raise a continuous system of evaluation of a final examination. The evaluation is based on the constant work, always supervised, with the aid of the new technologies.
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Civila Salas, A. C. (2019). Methodologic experience in university: use of the Virtual Campus and learning colaborativo. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(1).


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