Is there an Educational Theory after the Convention on the Rights of the Child?


The Convention on the Rights of the Child is undoubtfully the most important and complex law instrument about childhood in the frame of International Law. This Complexity is highlighted by issues of pedagogical and psychological nature, such as the best interests of the child or the concept of the child’s powers development. Indeed, such concepts cannot be interpreted, nor developed, solely in the light of law. Thus, the grounds of the Educational Theory are revealed as a privileged pedagogical ground, not only to achieve an educative and critic comprehension of the Convention, but princi-pally to explore the reach of those notions in relationship with the principles of auton-omy and care, both implicit in the Convention, and the possible means for its concilia-tion. 
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García Gutiérrez, J. (2019). Is there an Educational Theory after the Convention on the Rights of the Child?. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(1).


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