A contribution for the common higher education space construction: best practices related to a metacognition achivement as a result of an university blended learning program


An inter-institutional project of two universities in an blended learning program, we can take into account best practices in order to be transferred adaptetly towards the construction of of common training spaces to impulse many different components for the quality improvement of higher education . Among them the enhacement of metacognitive estrategies of the students, as main competences of academic and profesional achivement, within the design and interaction of a curricular electronic proposal of blended learning, is considered in this contribution. This is offered by a pertinent planning and follow up, selection and combination of objectives, content, resources, instructional and evaluation activities and the leadership of tutorial orientation of trained faculty
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Fainholc, B. (2019). A contribution for the common higher education space construction: best practices related to a metacognition achivement as a result of an university blended learning program. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.19654


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Author Biography

Beatriz Fainholc

UNLP- CEDIPROE, Buenos Aires, Argentina 