The world of the emotions in the autistic ones


Autistic ones have a large deficit in perception of emotions, which makes up an essential element to contribute at affective and emotional development of subject. For it it’s convenient the methodological innovation to detect and treat possible anomalies and deficits in the comprehension about emotions of autistics, considering that favoring perception and the expression of emotions, feelings and wishes of autistics, would get better social integration of the same ones, so much in personal levels, as social. In this respect new technologies allow us to approach us to the world of autistic loneliness, developing abilities, that without the interaction technological subject - way isn’t possible, and it allows a purpose with a double direction, on the one hand, to approach us their world to understand better their mental states and from another perspective to try to remove the autistic one of his “world of loneliness”.
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Miguel Miguel, A. M. (2018). The world of the emotions in the autistic ones. Education in The Knowledge Society, 7(2).


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