Alterity and emotions in virtual learning communities

  • Luísa Aires
    Universidade Aberta laires[at]
  • António Teixeira
    Universidade Aberta
  • José Azevedo
    Universidade do Porto
  • María Ivone Gaspar
    Universidade Aberta
  • Sílvia Silva
    Universidade Aberta


This paper reveals some ideas concerning interpersonal relations and emotions in virtual learning communities2. The main theoretical referents are founded in Bakhtin’s constructs of alterity and dialogy and are enriched by Vygostsky’s perspectives about social construction of knowledge and emotions. Interpersonal relations in virtual learning communities and, particularly, emotions experienced in these online contexts are studied through the analysis of discourses produced in discussion forums. These discourses that are published and discussed are analysed according to qualitative methodologies and reticular analysis of social interactions. The preliminary conclusions of this research show that, in the two virtual learning communities that were observed, the interpersonal relations are ruled not only by affinities and partnership but also by emotions and conflicts. These emotions should not be analysed according to their impact on learning; they should be looked as elements that make part of learning.
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Aires, L., Teixeira, A., Azevedo, J., Gaspar, M. I., & Silva, S. (2018). Alterity and emotions in virtual learning communities. Education in The Knowledge Society, 7(2).


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