A pedagogical practice intended for the network society? An analysis of the teaching practices within the non-university context

  • Josep Maria Mominó
    Open University of Catalunya jmomino[at]uoc.edu
  • Julio Meneses
    Open University of Catalunya


Despite the astonishment that still produces the irruption of the internet in the educational field, the incorporation of pedagogical practices according to the requirements of the Network Society is indispensable. Besides, it should not be expected as a direct effect of the introduction itself. Recent research in this field has proved that the possible potential of the ICT in schools is more dependent on the singularity of the pedagogical practices within which they are incorporated rather than on the characteristics of the technology used. The present research is based on data collected by the Proyecto Internet Cataluña concerning the non-university educational field in Catalonia using a 350-school representative sample. We have focused on certain features of the pedagogical practices we consider to be vital for this adaptation. Therefore, using a 2163-teacher sample, we explore the possibilities and limitations of the configuration of such pedagogical practices with respect to an effective incorporation of the potential of the net in this field.
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Mominó, J. M., & Meneses, J. (2018). A pedagogical practice intended for the network society? An analysis of the teaching practices within the non-university context. Education in The Knowledge Society, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.19153


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Author Biographies

Josep Maria Mominó

Open University of Catalunya
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute Open University of Catalunya

Julio Meneses

Open University of Catalunya
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute Open University of Catalunya