New horizons in the development of the society of the information like objective in the european union


The departure position of the European Commission, respect to the challenges that need to be managed in a strategy of Society of European Information towards 2010 was fixed to the document "the Challenges for the Society to Information to Europe beyond 2005: the departure point for a new strategy of UE "(19 of November of 2004). This document emphasizes the necessity to orient the investigation and the investment in the information and technologies of communication (ICT), to promote the economy and to more directly take care of the necessities of the citizens and their expectations, to allow to participate them socially and culturally and in fast way in the creative virtual communities.
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Sacristán Romero, F. (2018). New horizons in the development of the society of the information like objective in the european union. Education in The Knowledge Society, 7(1).


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