Socialization in virtual spaces: Possibilities and limits


The paper pretends to show how and up to what extent our Homo politicus condition (social beings) has been redefined from our Homo fabers condition (human the makers), and particularly with the creation of the ICTs. For this purpose we analyse the new channel of communication and the different social relationships established within it. The main conclusion is that the appearance of Internet has not involved a deep change in the socialization of people since we have not observed any distinction either in the parameters with which social relationships are organized or the formation of groups both in real (off-line) and virtual life (on-line). That is why we can declare that our condition as sociable beings remains intact in spite of that supposed conversion in “citizens of the world.”
  • Referencias
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Sotomayor Carcia, G. (2018). Socialization in virtual spaces: Possibilities and limits. Education in The Knowledge Society, 7(1).


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