It use and integration in applied quantitative subjects: The experience of the computer sciences studies at UOC

  • Ángel A. Juan
    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya ajuanp[at]
  • Mª Antonia Huertas
    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Cristina Steegmann
    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Manuel Terradez
    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


Internet diffusion, together with the evolution that has experienced the statistical and mathematical software, offer us new ways of teaching, learning and applying concepts and quantitative technologies in areas as computer sciences and telecommunications.In this paper we present the e-Math project, supported by the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), in which professors from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and other Spanish universities have collaborated. The main target of this project is to foment and spread the utilization and integration of software tools in the curricula of quantitative applied subjects.Some experiences are also presented. They illustrate the methodological lines proposed in the e-Math project, which have derived in an intensive use of Internet resources and also in the utilization of mathematical and statistical software as an integral part of the formative curricula.
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Juan, Ángel A., Huertas, M. A., Steegmann, C., & Terradez, M. (2018). It use and integration in applied quantitative subjects: The experience of the computer sciences studies at UOC. Education in The Knowledge Society, 7(1).


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