“To get somewhere in life” – Marginalizaed young people with successful trajectories of education in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

  • Karin Elinor Sauer
    Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul karinelinor[at]gmx.net
  • Sílvio Marcus De Souza Correa
    Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul


“To get somewhere in life“ is an aim formulated by many young people who are members of marginalized social groups in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Through a process of informal and formal education they have achieved social advancement, and were invited to participate in the international research-project „Trajectories of integration in the process of education“. In narrative interviews they reported their personal trajectories of educational success. The present article reflects some of their key issues, such as the importance of family, religion, solidarity and the identification with education against the setting of an emerging knowledge-based society
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Sauer, K. E., & De Souza Correa, S. M. (2008). “To get somewhere in life” – Marginalizaed young people with successful trajectories of education in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.19053


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Author Biographies

Karin Elinor Sauer

Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
Centro de Pesquisa em Desenvolvimento Regional –Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (Brasil)

Sílvio Marcus De Souza Correa

Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
Centro de Pesquisa em Desenvolvimento Regional –Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (Brasil)