Transnational spaces. Migration and globalisation


This work wants to point out the phenomenon of migration in the framework of a dynamic process in the globalisation. The process of globalisation supports on the one hand the human mobility (cheap workers and high professionals have the possibility of migration) on the other hand it puts restrictions on migration. In this process the concept of the monocausal state is obsolete, because the ways of life of the people are changing totally. Today people live in a different part as they work. The immigrants interact in different transnational spaces. The network of participation for the immigrants changes into a multilocal one, with different expressions. The immigrants participate in their own organisations or in several cultural activities, like music or religious elements, and this groups often are multiethnic groups. The situation of the immigrants can’t be reduced to a political or social affair, it should be considerated from the emotional part, which requires a different perception and transnational spaces. This work doesn’t want to open a new research area it wants to point out some important elements in the discussion about migration and also to emphasize the importance of the immigrants for the different societies.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Salazar, M. (2008). Transnational spaces. Migration and globalisation. Education in The Knowledge Society, 9(2).


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Author Biography

Mauricio Salazar

Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll
Stube – Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, Stuttgart