Support material for the "practicum" in adults age's centers


Many of the degree students that carry out their "prácticum" with 60 year-old grown-ups don't have the knowledge, tools and enough abilities to develop this work. During the last century a silent revolution, the population's aging has been given and although they have been carried out campaigns on the good aging or with quality of life, the images and negative stereotypes still persist toward the aging and the age, that logically they impact in the relationship with the grown-ups and in the self-perception that have those that are already living her of the age. The education is half since an important one besides informing to form, its effectiveness has also been demonstrated in the modification of the stereotypes. They are for these reasons that it was designed as support material for the "prácticum" the CCR, Knowledge, Commitment, and I Respect, in Power Point.
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Aristizábal-Vallejo, N. L. (2018). Support material for the "practicum" in adults age’s centers. Education in The Knowledge Society, 6(2).


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