AWLA and Eduwebman: proposals for the development of web-based collaborative e-learning systems


The use of Learning Management System (LMS) is becoming widespread for the development of online courses. However, the deficiencies they have are constraining their application in highly experimental disciplines or in subjects which require a more active participation of the learner when developing content or solutions to the problems presented. To avoid these systems to become mere content repositories by providing more interactive resources for learning and to address the participants' needs to collaborate by enabling their use anywhere anytime are the two goals to achieve so that LMS can have a positive effect on the teaching-learning process.
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Ortega, M., Sánchez Villalón, P. P., & Peces, C. (2018). AWLA and Eduwebman: proposals for the development of web-based collaborative e-learning systems. Education in The Knowledge Society, 6(2).


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