A alternative glance about of the cognitive residue when news technologies are introduced. The caso of the sciences problem solving


In this paper are introduced links between elements coming from psychological referential due to the need of counting with a better theory to account for the relation among cognitive residues, CIT’s influence and the teaching proposed in relation with the education in general and with the teaching of Sciences and the research in solving problems in particular. The departure is, in this case, from the knowledge of the “personand his/her capacities” and the research is towards the knowledge of the “person-whenshe/ he uses-the tool (computer)”. It is in that context, that the incorporation of the novelty through the problem solving method and the construction of own criteria aroused from grouped activity is viewed as lighting didactic decisions in that direction.
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Escudero, C. (2009). A alternative glance about of the cognitive residue when news technologies are introduced. The caso of the sciences problem solving. Education in The Knowledge Society, 10(1), 272–292. https://doi.org/10.14201/eks.15731


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